Welcome to the Picamera raw analysis documentation!

This module contains utilities for manipulating raw images from the Raspberry Pi Camera Module, version 2.

If you use it with images taken with other cameras, including version 1, it will most likely fail.

You can use this module on the command line to extract raw data from a JPEG file:

python -m picam_raw_analysis.extract_raw_image image.jpg

There is a script provided that will convert a white image into a lens shading table, in YAML format. To run this, use:

python -m picam_raw_analysis.lst_from_raw_white_image path/to/white/image.jpg --output lens_shading.yaml

There is also a script to completely compensate an image, using the raw data in that image together with red, green, blue, and white calibration images. This can be run with:

python -m picam_raw_analysis.unmix_image path/to/calibration/folder image.jpg

Most of the functionality lives in submodules, but load_raw_image and extract_file are available at the top level as well as in the extract_raw_image submodule.

Finally, this module does not depend on picamera and should run (in Python 3) on any platform. To achieve this, picamera_array has been copied into this module, and mo_stub provides a dummy MMAL import. I’m not the author of picamera.array and it is copied here (in modified form) under the GPL.

This module has been written with the intention of it working in Python 2 or 3, but it has mostly been tested in Python 3.

  1. Richard Bowman 2019, released under GNU GPL v3

Indices and tables